Welcome to Persimmon Homes Swindon Farm

This website is for residents and businesses in the area of Swindon Farm, Cheltenham where Persimmon Homes is bringing forward 266 high-quality new homes. This site will be the first phase of the North West Cheltenham Strategic Allocation defined by the Joint Core Strategy by neighbouring authorities. The consortium of Bloor Homes, Persimmon Homes and Gloucestershire County Council are working collaboratively to bring forward the wider allocation later this year. This portal will provide you with a wide range of information on our plans, route diversions and details on how to get in touch.

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Artist impression of Persimmon Homes at Swindon Farm, Cheltenham
Artist impression of Persimmon Homes at Swindon Farm, Cheltenham

Our plans for Swindon Farm


  • Swindon Farm represents the initial phase of the North West Cheltenham allocation and will help unlock housing delivery from key strategic development
  • The proposals entirely accord with both the policy framework for the North West Cheltenham and Elms Park proposals that encompass the wider allocation
  • Swindon Farm is designed to facilitate access to the eastern part of the development and will provide a variety of amenities and supporting infrastructure to aid a sense of place and community

To allow construction works to commence, a road closure is necessary to create the initial access road. There will be a full road closure from 29th April 2024 23rd August 2024. A diversion will be in place during this time and full details can be found via our ‘route diversion’ page.

This portal will be regularly monitored and updated as plans progress.

Persimmon Homes, Swindon Farm


For more information about this project, contact

Media and press enquiries should be made to: swindonfarm@persimmonhomes.com